Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Equisse 3

I made 3 different variations of my plant by firstly creating a basic modular pod and then combining them in several ways to create interesting forms.

Esquisse 3 - photo documentation

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Esquisse 2 - photos of final model

These photos document the developmental process of my cardboard structure. The end structure weighs 149 grams and is able to hold my body weight.

Esquisse 2 - Explorative sketches

NGV Visit

These are some of my sketches from the NGV visit. I have sketched down particular details and forms from the displayed furniture designs that interested me. I was intrigued into further researching these forms in terms of how they were manufactured and the reasons they were used.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Some international examples of cardboard furniture

I am particularly interested in the locking systems that the designers used to created these chairs and the strengthening methods used, such as repetition and triangulation of the folds.

Some international references of cardboard furniture
